martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

It's the end of the rainy season in Quito

I am sitting in the living room of the apartment we are staying during our orientation in Quito. There is a huge window with a great view of the city. This city is awesome! Our day has consisted of a few meetings and a visit to the Dumps Ministry here in Quito. Okay, enough background:

As I am sitting looking at the rain fall on the city, I can't help but wonder why do I, so many time, think I know better than God. I have spent (or should I say wasted) time planning my life, or at least portions of it. In my mind, I have been following what I think God is telling me when in reality I have only been following my selfish desires. I mean, these things weren't half bad. I wanted to go to Africa, and then I wanted to go to China to serve God there. Doesn't sound bad, does it? Well, when does "God-pleasing" desires become idols then they are not God-pleasing anymore. I came to Ecuador for a month last fall, and I loved it. But I would have never wanted to come live here. I wanted to explore the unknown. I wanted to learn another language, etc. I have now realized that my mind and heart weren't where they needed to be. God said no to those places, but he said yes to Ecuador.

I have only been in Ecuador for half a day, and I am already beginning to understand why he has me here. I am thankful. HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING! How dare this finite mind ever think that I know or can even partially understand God's ways. Honestly, I didn't have that much information about this trip. I didn't even have that much information about this organization. I just had peace so I came. And today, at one of our orientation meetings, I realized that this is the type of organization I always dreamed of working for. I like their platform/philosophy or whatever you want to call it. Of course, they are not perfect, but I know this is what God has for me now. I am excited and expecting to see God's grace and mercy and his glory here. Wait, I already am seeing it.

This afternoon at 6pm (central time) we fly over to Manta. I am ready to meet the children we will be with for the rest of our time here. Pray for us and for them. Pray for us to connect with them. Pray that we may LOVE them like Jesus LOVES us!

Again, pray for selflessness. I guess I have been convicted lately of how selfish I am, and I don't what that. Pray for the children at the orphanage. Pray that Ashley and I make good orphanage mommys.

This soft rain just turned into a thunderstorm...It looks beautiful from here!

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